Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Please find a list of answers below to questions most frequently asked by our site users.
Who do I contact if I need information (test feasibility, price , TAT, preanalytical requirements…) ?
Please contact the International Division.
List of contacts
How to send specimens to Eurofins Biomnis?
Depending on the needs and specific requirements of each country, the collection will be handled either by a local Eurofins Biomnis appointed logistic company, that are trained according to our Standard Operating Procedure, or by a global courier company.
Please click here for further information
How do we receive the results?
Each result is uploaded on a secured and encrypted server, which is accessible by the person assigned by your laboratory with a login and a password set-up by your laboratory.
- Each result can be also sent by automated fax upon authorisation by the pathologist.
- For customers referring a large volume of samples, a remote printing facility can be installed. Please contact your local Eurofins Biomnis sales representative for further information.
What language are the results reported in ?
Results can be reported in French and in English. The language selection must be defined during the creation of your account with us.
Are results signed by a clinical pathologist?
Every result is signed by the clinical pathologist in charge of the analysis according to the ISO 15189 standards.
How do you inform us of any modifications to preanalytical requirements, test conditions, reference ranges, etc ?
Our online test guide is updated on a daily basis and any changes can be found directly on our website For all other exceptional modifications, you will be informed via our monthly newsletter “Biomnis & Vous”.
How can the progress of results be monitored ?
Every patient file can be monitored via your secure personalised client portal which will indicate the date the sample arrived, the test in progress, and when the result is expected to be reported.
Is Eurofins Biomnis duly accredited?
Eurofins Biomnis’ commitment to quality is clearly highlighted through obtaining yearly external recognition for its dedication to quality management via the COFRAC accreditation for both Eurofins Biomnis Paris and Eurofins Biomnis Lyon in accordance with the stringent requirements for the standards NF EN ISO/CEI 17025 since 2000 and ISO 15189 since 2010.
Who to contact for result queries or follow ups?
Each client is assigned to a single dedicated point of contact that is responsible for monitoring and resolving any issue or concern in a timely manner.
List of contacts
What if I can’t find the test I want in your test guide?
In this instance please contact your assigned account manager who will confirm the availability of this test.