One-stop Shop | Eurofins Biomnis

The unique selling proposition of Eurofins Biomnis


Eurofins Biomnis informs physicians about the latest tests.


Provision of a range of (on/offline) tools to ensure the information received by laboratories is correct and up-to-date.


Personalisation of the solution provided to each client, while ensuring integrity and traceability during transport.

Reception of samples

Samples can be registered 24 hours a day Monday to Saturday to ensure requests are processed quickly.


A large number of experts in each speciality. The laboratories use cutting-edge equipment to make the most of the latest technological advances.


Each specialty is organised the same way to ensure samples are processed quickly and unhindered by equipment breakdowns or peaks in activity.

Clinical report

Each result is validated technically and biologically to ensure accurate reports. The entire organisation complies with the ISO 15189 standard.


Respect for patients confidentiality. Development of 2 systems: a digital plateform and direct integration into the LIS so any request can be fulfilled.

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