List of dynamic tests

To investigate somatotropic function by stimulating growth hormone production.

Subject preparation
  • Fasting for 12 hours and at rest for 30 minutes.

Ornithine oxoglutarate (Ornicetyl ®) (2-5 g vials).

  • Adults: 20 g.
  • Children: 20 g/m2 body surface area, without exceeding 20 g (10 g if under 7).

After the dose has been calculated, dissolve the product in 200 ml of normal saline (100 ml for 10 g).

  • Samples (dry tubes) at time intervals: T-15 min and T0.
  • IV perfusion of the ornithine over 30 minutes.
  • Draw blood (dry tubes) T+30, T+45, T+60, T+90 and T+120 min after the beginning of perfusion.

Centrifuge the samples and freeze the serum at -20°C.


Growth Hormone (GH).

Side effects

Risk of nausea and sometimes vomiting.