Allergology panels
Discover or 23 New panels designed according to well-defined criteria to assist in the prescription and diagnosis of allergic diseases.
The advantages: a wide choice of panels, each panel is designed by grouping :
- Groups of allergens responsible for allergic reactions by syndromic approach (respiratory allergy, food allergy, Rhinitis, Eczema….)
- Groups of allergens from the same family (nuts, medicines, etc.)
- Groups of molecular allergic components highlighting possible cross-reactions between allergens
Child respiratory allergy panel (Code panel – PANRE)
- pteronyssinus d1
- Alternaria alternata m6
- Dog (skin flakes) e5
- Cat (skin flakes) e1
- Common silver birch t3
- Timothy g6
- Plantain w9
Child food allergy panel (Code panel – PANAE)
- Cow's milk f2
- Egg's white f1
- Wheat f4
- Fish (cod) f3
- Hazel nut (Reco) f17
- Peanut f13
- Soya bean f14
- Mustard f89
- Kiwi f84
- Beef f27
- Shrimp f24
- Sesame seed f10
Adult respiratory allergy panel (Code panel – PANRA)
- pteronyssinus d1
- farinae d2
- Aspergillus fumigatus m3
- Alternaria alternata m6
- Dog (skin flakes) e5
- Cat (skin flakes) e1
- Common silver birch t3
- Timothy g6
- Plantain w9
Adult food allergy profile (Code panel – PANAA)
- Cow milk f2
- Egg's white f1
- Wheat f4
- Fish (cod) f3
- Hazel nut (Recombi+) f17
- Peanut f13
- Soya bean f14
- Banana f92
- Kiwi f84
- Shrimp f24
- Garlic f47
- Yeast f45
Allergic rhinitis profile (Code panel – PRORH)
- Cow's milk f2
- Egg's white f1
- Peanut f13
- pteronyssinus d1
- farinae d2
- Alternaria alternata m6
- Timothy g6
- Cat (skin flakes) e1
- Dog (skin flakes) e5
- Common silver birch t3
Eczema profile (Code panel – PROEC)
- pteronyssinus d1
- Alternaria alternata m6
- Cat (skin flakes) e1
- Cow's milk f2
- Egg's white f1
- Wheat f4
- Fish (cod) f3
- Hazel nut (Recombi+) f17
- Peanut f13
- Soya bean f14
Allergy profile Northern Europe (Code panel – PANEN)
- Cow's milk f2
- Egg's white f1
- Fish (cod) f3
- Peanut f13
- Wheat f4
- Apple f49
- pteronyssinus d1
- Timothy g6
- Cat (skin flakes) e1
- Common silver birch t3
- White ash t15
- Plantain w9
- Alternaria alternata m6
Allergy profile South Europe (Code panel – PANES)
- Cow's milk f2
- Egg's white f1
- Fish (cod) f3
- Peanut f13
- Wheat f4
- Peach f95
- pteronyssinus d1
- Timothy g6
- Cat (skin flakes) e1
- Cypress t23
- Olive tree t9
- Wall pellitory w19
- Alternaria alternata m6
Middle East allergy panel (Code panel – PANMO)
- Cow milk f2
- Egg's white f1
- Fish (cod) f3
- Peanut f13
- Wheat f14
- Chikpea f309
- Mutton f88
- pteronyssinus d1
- farinae m6
- Alternaria alternata e1
- Cat (skin flakes) i6
Profile (cross reaction PR10) (Code panel – PANPR)
- rBet v 1 (PR-10, bouleau) t215
- r Ara h 8 (PR-10, peanut) f352
- rCor a 1 (PR-10, hazel nut) f428
- rMal d 1 (PR-10, apple) f434
- rPru p 1 (PR-10, peach) f419
- rGly m 4 (PR-10, soja) f353
- rApi g 1.01 (PR-10, celery) f417
- rAct d 8 (PR-10, Kiwi) f430
Gluten allergy and intolerance profile (Code panel – PANIG)
- Gluten f79
- Wheat f4
- IgA - Immunoglobulin A IgA
- Anti Tissue Transglutaminase Abs IgA TGLU
- Anti Tissue Transglutaminase Abs IgG TGLUG
- Anti Endomysium Antibodies IgG ENDOA
- Anti Endomysium Antibodies IgA ENDOG
- Anti deamidated gliadin peptides antibodies IgG GLIAA
- Anti deamidated gliadin peptides antibodies IgA GLIAG
Nuts panel (Code panel – PANFC)
- Peanut f13
- Hazel nut (Recombi+) f17
- Walnut f254
- Pistachio f202
- Brazil nut f18
- Pecan nut f201
- Macadamia nut f345
Seafood product panel (Code panel – PANPM)
- Shrimp f24
- Crab f23
- Fish (cod) f3
- Blue mussel f37
- Tuna f40
- Salmon f41
- Oyster f290
Milk and cow milk proteins panel (Code panel – PANLA)
- Cow's milk f2
- Alpha lactalbumin f76
- Beta lactoglobulin f77
- Casein f78
- Bovin albumin e204
- Goat's milk f300
- Sheep's milk f325
- Mare's milk f286
Egg panel (Code panel – PANOE)
- Egg's white f1
- Egg's yolk f75
- Ovomucoid f233
- Ovalbumin f232
- Conalbumin f323
- Lysozym k208
Exotic Fruits panel + latex (Code panel – PANFE)
- Kiwi f84
- Banana f92
- Pineapple f210
- Papaya f293
- Mango f91
- Avocado f96
- Rubber (R+) k82
Cereals panel (Code panel – PANCE)
- Wheat f4
- Rye f5
- Oat f7
- Barley f6
- Buckwheat seed f11
House dust panel (Code panel – PANPO)
- pteronyssinus d1
- farinae d2
- Alternaria alternata m6
- Dog (skin flakes) e1
- Cat (skin flakes) e5
- Cockroach i6
Venom and insect allergy profile (Code panel – PANIN)
- Bee venon i1
- Wasp venon (vespula) i3
- Wasp venon (poliste) i4
- Hornet venon (Vespa crabro) i75
- Mosquito (aedes communs) i71
- Fire Ant i70
- Cockroach i6
B-Lactamines Antibiotics Allergy Panel (Code panel - PANAB)
- Penicillin G c1
- Penicillin V c2
- Ampicillin c5
- Amoxicillin c6
- Cephalosporin mix (Cefaclor, Cefaxin, Cefotaxim, Cefuroxim) c201
NSAID and paracetamol allergy panel (Code panel – PANME)
- Acetyl-salicylic acid c217
- Ibuprofen c286
- Ketoprofen c388
- Diclofenac c281
- Paracetamol u209
Professional allergens panel (Code panel – PANAP)
- Latex (Recombi+) k82
- Ethylene oxide k78
- Phtalic anhydride k79
- Formol k80
- Isocyanate TDI k75
- Isocyanate MDI k76
- Isocyanate HDI k77