A word from our experts… | Eurofins Biomnis

Eurofins Biomnis expert insights into current issues

Due to the evolutive and innovative nature of our sector, we’ve put in place a quarterly meeting with one of our expert clinical pathologists to speak about a subject relevant to your daily activities as physicians and clinical pathologists : A word from our experts…
In each video, a Eurofins Biomnis expert provides you with diagnostic, pronostic and theranostic advice on a topical issue, within different areas of diagnostics

A word from our experts … Dr Emmanuelle CART-TANNEUR

Food intolerances

Everything you need to know about food intolerances, explained in a few minutes by Dr. Emmanuelle CART-TANNEUR, clinical pathologist at Eurofins Biomnis.

A word from our experts … Dr Benoit QUILICHINI

Biological management of hematological malignancies

Everything you need to know about the biological management of hematological malignancies, explained in a few minutes by Dr. Benoît QUILICHINI, clinical pathologist at Eurofins Biomnis.

A word from our experts … Dr Christine BOUZ
The diagnostic approach in allergology

Everything you need to know about the diagnostic process in allergology, explained in a few minutes by Dr Christine Bouz, clinical pathologist at Eurofins Biomnis.


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