In the field of biochemistry, Biomnis offers the analysis of serum tumour markers by immunoassay or RIA (for the CG-free beta chain and chromogranin A) and urinary (or serum) markers such as catecholamines, metanephrines, VMA, HVA, serotonin, and 5HIIA by HPLC, which constitutes the method of reference for these areas. Free light chain tests are performed during follow-ups on myelomas and monoclonal gammopathies of undetermined significance.
Biomnis was among the first laboratories to introduce the PCA3 test for prostate cancer, and recently developed new biological markers in order to improve the detection of this type of cancer (Index phi using assays on [-2]proPSA, total PSA and free PSA), as well as the early management and follow-up of ovarian cancer (HE-4 and the calculation of the ROMA score).